If you were wondering why there have been no blogs, we have moved our home and office in the last 2 months. Our new office address is 322 Brooks Street in Sugar Land, Texas. Same phone, e-mail and fax. So it is time to get back to blogging and working.
So let’s start off with something non controversial. Today a Court in Arizona ruled that several of the provisions of the illegal immigration law may not be enacted. The order includes several of the provisions? Including:
Not being able to require police officers to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest.
Not requiring immigrants to carry immigration registration papers; and
Not making it a crime for an illegal immigrant to seek or perform work.
You can cut and paste the link below for the entire ruling. http://azd.uscourts.gov/azd/courtinfo.nsf/983700DFEE44B56B0725776E005D6CCB/$file/10-1413-87.pdf?openelement
This is just the first step in litigation that will probably end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. We have the Court’s ruling, what do you think?
What happened to plain, old common sense? Why in the world would the judge rule police officers cannot seek to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop or arrest; and what is one possible common sense reason for not making it a crime for an illegal immigrant to seek or perform work — they should not be here in the first place, right? It seems that so many of today’s issues involving law do not involve common sense. In fact, if you try to use common sense to get to your answer, the answer is typically incorrect, legally speaking! Bottom line is that the law anymore seems so often to be twisted to help the guilty (or at least the not-so-innocent), whether it be illegal aliens, detainees, or terrorists. Is there any hope?
If federal government is not protecting citizens, states should have the right to do so.